I became hooked on art from a very young age. Starting with pen and watercolour which changed and adapted over the years. I experimented with many mediums but today I mainly use oil paints and charcoal, varying sometimes with watercolour, acrylic, prints (mainly etchings) and pen or a mix of media together.
I work from both photo and imagination and depending on my intentions or mood on the day can create an image that portrays reality/myth or a transition between both. Something to make the viewer question what they are seeing and to get emotions and thoughts flowing. I have a couple of themes that I bounce in and out of depending on the day, which would be World Joys and Divisions, The Individual in a Group/Human Organisation, Magic, Mystery and Mythology and last but not Least Animals (started with mainly horses but has ventured to other beautiful creatures over the years) All of which keep me on my toes. I hope to continue my journey in the world of art, creating, expressing, learning and also enjoying the works of fellow artists and finally by being inspired by the world around us.
website: www.ciaracurtinsart.com
phone: 0872113065
email: [email protected]